Συλλογή τροφίμων στο Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο από το Σύλλογο Φοιτητών – Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης
Βιβλιοθήκη & Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης

Food collection at Harokopio University by the Student Association

We would like to inform you that from today 12/09/2023, you will be able to offer food (flour, pasta, legumes, evaporated milk, milk powder, canned goods, cereals and nuts), to those affected by Hurricane Daniel. The specific objects will be gathered at the concierge, will be collected by the elected representatives of the Students in the Students Association and at the end of each week will be given as students' participation to the Greek Red Cross

The above initiative is an official decision of the Harokopio Students' Association according to the relevant resolution submitted to the 3rd Ordinary Board of Directors of September 11, 2023.